Bakery Store Hours: Monday - Friday 7am to 5pm, Saturdays 8am to 12pm

How We Make Them

Our pretzel making process

  1. 1The dough is mixed then taken onto a cart to the rolling table
  2. 2The dough is kneaded and cut
  3. 3The dough is rolled into log-shaped pieces
  4. 4The dough logs are run through a cutter which scores the dough into individual pieces
  5. 5The pretzel rollers tear off one piece of dough at a time and roll it to about 12 inches long
  6. 6In three swift moves, the pretzel rollers twist the dough into the pretzel shape
  7. 7The formed pretzels are placed onto a wooden board
  8. 8The board is filled and carried and placed onto a rack
  9. 9While on the rack, the pretzels are allowed to rise naturally
  10. 10The pretzels are cooked in a hot soda bath until they rise to the top
  11. 11Salt is placed on a long-handled board called a peel
  12. 12Pretzels are placed onto the peel upside down
  13. 13A full peel is slid into the oven and then dumped so that the pretzels are salt-side up
  14. 14The pretzels travel circularly through the oven on a soapstone hearth to bake the outside of the pretzel
  15. 15The pretzels then move into a drying oven to slowly remove the moisture from inside the pretzel
  16. 16The finished pretzels are packaged into various containers and are ready for delivery

Hammond's Pretzels Factory